Latest news:
Fabian Töppke started his master thesis.
News archive:
Çiğdem Babalik (Yeşildağ) continued as Postdoc in LensenLab.
Tomas Omasta successfully compleated his bachelor thesis.
Çiğdem Yeşildağ obtained her PhD dagree „mit Auszeichnung“ (summa cum laude). Congratulations!!!
James Mc Cormack joined the group as a guest researcher.
Dr. Mathew A. Adebayo compleated his Postdoc-work in LensenLab.
Zhaofei Ouyang obtained his PhD dagree. Congratulations!!!
Dr. Mathew A. Adebayo jouned the group as a Postdoc.
We say goodbay to Mehwash Zia and wish her all the best during her study.
Mai Vi Bui joined the group for Forschungspraktikum.
Tomas Omasta started his bachelor thesis.
Christoph Bartsch is back in the group for starting his PhD.
Shirani Anantharajah started her bachelor thesis in LensenLab.
A new guest PhD student, Mehwash Zia, joined the group.
We say goodbye to Dr. Gonzalo de Vicente and thank him for his great supports and helps in LensenLab.
Arina Tyushina is back in the group as a scientific worker.
Constanca Junior and Hamidreza Pirmahboub successfully finished their master degrees.
Hamidreza Pirmahboub has joined the group as our new master student.
Costança Junior has joined the group for her Master thesis.
Fang Ren successfully defended her PhD work. Congratulations!!!
Dr. Zhang and Dr. de Vicente are back the group.
Arina Tyushina succesfully finished her master degree.
Currently, we have a new Master student in the group: Arina Tyushina
Rahima Rahman, a guest PhD student, joined the group
Gonzalo de Vicente Lucas and Zhenfang Zhang obteined their PhD degrees. Congratulations!!!
Çiğdem Yeşildağ started her PhD in the Lensen Lab.
We have two new bachelor students in the group: Stefanie Gabler and Christoph Bartsch.
Manar Arfeh obtained her PhD degree. Congratulations!!!
Çiğdem Yeşildağ and Mishu Sarqume successfully finished their master degrees.
Axel Löbus and Christine Strehmel successfully defended their PhD theses, and the new colleague Tina Sabel, too. Congratulations!!!
A new colleague, Zahofei Ouyang (Frank) started his PhD with a stipend from the Chinese Scholarship Council.
Paul Gruner finished his bachelor degree.
Two master students, Çiğdem Yeşildağ and Mishu Sarqume, and one bachelor student, Paul Gruner, joined the group.
Vera Schulte received her PhD degree „mit Auszeichnung“ (summa cum laude). Congratulations!!!
Ren Fang has started her PhD with a stipend from the Chinese Scholarship Council.
Marga gave the plenary, opening lecture at Euro Biomat Conference in Jena.
Axel won the first poster prize at the same conference.
Christine won a poster prize in Dublin at the ESB conference!
Jenny (Dr. Jingyu Chen) has returned to the Lensen Lab!
From the 1st of July, a new PhD student, Gonzalo de Vicente Lucas, has joined the team.
A BIG NSE fellow, Manar Arafeh, has joined the Lensen Lab as a PhD student.
Lensen Lab publication in the news: http://nanotechweb.org/cws/article/lab/43264
New publication, the 3rd on PFPE this year, accepted by Biomaterials!
Two new PhD students; Christine Strehmel and Axel Loebus (both DE) have joined the team.
Lensen Lab celebrates the opening of the new labs at TU-Berlin on 01.07.2010
Since May 2010, Aniek Jongerius (NL) has joined the team.
2 new papers on PFPE accepted; 1 in Nanotechnology and 1 in Acta Biomaterialia!
We say goodbye to Jenny (Dr. Jingyu Chen) after 2.5 years in the Lensen Lab…
Two new colleagues, Dr. Zhikun Zheng and Zengfang Zhang (CN), joined the team.
Dr. Susan Kelleher (IR) joined the team
From March 2010 on, Marga is Junior Professor at the TU Berlin.